Who We Are - Your Success Team Limited

Your Success Team is a collective of
business experts

Flipping business advisory on its head, Your Success Team is a collective of business experts formed by Robyn Brown and Alana Swain – corporate escapees and entrepreneurs, who have created an affordable business support model that places multiple brains on your business, giving a giant hell no to “my way or the highway” advice and dated formulas.

Because, at the end of the day, business owners just like you want to make money from your talents, while living life on your (very unique) terms. Which is why when you bring your talents, experience and grit to the table, and we bring ours, you’ll be amazed at what we’ll create together!

With truthfulness, doggedness and not a small dose of common sense, Your Success Team & our amazing community of other business owners, will help you take back control of your business.

By learning how to look at your goals, finances, customers & growth, we’re here, walking alongside you.  It’s easier to run your business where you’re no longer holding all the cards to your chest and trying to do this alone. We’re here with you, supporting you at every step. 

We believe in being part of an Aotearoa where it’s easy to be successful in business, no matter where you’re starting from. 


You can have a business that’s successful, and on your terms

You can be there for your family, your team, and for the world, enjoying the journey. We know, that just because your business is a dick, doesn’t mean you need to become one in order to control it or to get ahead. We’re here to help you realise, that.

That’s what we’re all afraid of — That we need to be slick, salesy or cut throat (yick!). That we’re in the wrong line of business (or we’re the only ones) when we have that creeping sense of dread come Sunday at 3pm. That we have to be a grumpy old bastard to get anything properly.

So here’s our good news:
Your business doesn’t get to tell you what to do. Between the two of us, the majority of our careers was spent in funeral/nursing/clinical management (Robyn) and in the banking industry (Alana).You know, death & money. Two subjects that make you think a lot about what’s important… and how to have the resources to indulge in it. We’re both from big families (think siblings, cousins, laughter). We’ve led teams, that fused together over 30 languages. And, we were both told things like “girls are nurses, not doctors”.

So now we choose to believe:
‍Collaboration greases the wheel. Contrarians do business better. And diversity solves any problem. Plus, doing stuff with others makes it easier & a lot more fun! Aotearoa business owners deserve to be successful and that’s what we’re here to help with. 

So, if, like us:

  • You’ve got a pulse, and you want to enjoy your moments left in life
  • You want to get a handle on (and grow) your money
  • You want to stop letting business dick you around
  • You’d like to do things a bit differently than the norm
  • You’re here to make your mark on the world, enjoying the way success looks on you
  • And you want to be part of our mission to change the success rate of small business here in New Zealand….

Then you’re exactly where you need to be right now & we can’t wait to talk to you.

How we do success

For us, making business acumen and skills accessible to many is the driving force behind how we have designed Your Success team.  We’re a nation of small business – now we want to be part of a nation of successful, less stressed small business! 

Our mission to improve business owner skills & acumen means we’ve created NZ’s first unlimited business support model for only $10 a month.  We believe that by making our expertise accessible to everyone, it means more of us have the chance to get our business to the places we’ve imagined. And you deserve that success! 

Regardless of how you work with us, these values are the ones we hold true to and we love working with others who believe in these too.

Together, everything gets easier. We get stuck into things, for the long term. We walk alongside each other, and with you.

We keep looking for solutions. Finding new ways, creating novel pathways. Finding the best people to do things with. Bringing open minds and warm hearts.

Staying the course, digging deep to find solutions, not wavering from all that is possible.  Using our smarts, acumen and your expertise to go further, along with each other.

Looking for the silver lining. Staying focussed on all that is good about the world, all that is possible in any situation. Bringing the best of ourselves to everything we do for and with each other.

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