Success Circle Business Coaching For Start-ups & Solopreneurs

Success Circle

Mastering The Early Years Of Business On Your Terms

Start building the business you wanted all along

Here you are. You started your business about something you’re really great at, and then it came with all this other business stuff.

You might be great at what your business does. But how great are you (really) at running your business?

It’s all this other stuff that makes it hard.

And not knowing what you don’t know until someone says, “Hey! You don’t know that?!” is making life even harder.

Your business should make you buzz, not sting you like a bee.

Stop Going Round In Circles

Each month in the Success Circle, you get access to 10 hours of live business support and practical training.

Learn at your own pace and revisit the material as needed. Say no to information overload and confusion.

Connect and get input from the hive mind and experts. Never feel alone or uncertain in your business journey.

Save more and get value for your investment with a built in membership to Your Business Club included. 

Regularly build your business skills with our in-depth sessions. Get it right with a strong business basics knowledge, and then keep building on that knowledge as your confidence grows.

Get immediate answers to your queries from the experts. And bounce those ideas off others for immediate sanity.

Experience focused work time for heightened productivity. Say goodbye to procrastination and time-wasting.

Alana and Robyn ROCK my world. With a capital R.

They both bring a wealth of knowledge (and patience for all my questions) to the YST table to deliver the boring shit in business and make it actually FUN. They encourage you every step of the way, are approachable and have a cracking sense of humour to boot.

If you’re like me and need to get into the yucky nitty gritty of business that you’ve been avoiding, then this is the BIZ SHIZZ for you.

Sign up. Do it. Like, now!

Cate T.

The Success Circle is live business training is delivered over 6 months

This means you can come in, fired up and go hard on that skill build, and then come back time and again to keep building skills and momentum or to refresh when you need a clarity boost.

Business is anything but linear, so it doesn’t matter when you join up but for 2024, we kick things off on February 16th.  Starting from the top always works well when accompanied with fresh new year energy!

Sign up today for instant access to the group, and to be ready when the first session goes live on Feb 16th or drop us a line with any questions.

Build a rock-solid
foundation for your business

When you start your business, you’re often busy doing what you do. It’s easy to miss some of the simple (not easy) business foundations that help make running your business easier and helps prevent any growth wobbles as you grow and scale.

Financial planning

Stop being scared of looking at your numbers. Understand what you’re looking at when we dive into the basics of finance in business, cash flow and financial forecasting. 

Seeing your finances in action

Knowing your weekly, monthly and quarterly numbers helps you stay in control and feel confident. We’ll take your financial know-how to the next level by looking at more practical business financial knowledge, including how to get the best from Xero, profit and loss statements, balance sheets – and when to get an accountant (and how to choose one!)

Get confident with pricing and profit

Building a profitable business happens with intention, not accidentally. We’ll help you step back, look at that big picture, and price right both for where you are now and where you want to grow. All with a laser focus on maintaining a great profit margin.

Turning your plans into actions

Fill your week with the right actions. Your mindset, patterns, habits and how you construct your day are key to stopping procrastination. We’ll also help you learn about the importance of resilience and flexibility to bounce back when the sh*t hits the fan because sometimes life rolls like that.

Creating your business vision

Understand what your 5 and 10-year thinking is. What are you creating? Why are you creating this? What’s your version of a successful business?

Developing your business values

If you’re going to take a stand with your business, what is it that you stand for? Knowing your values makes it easier to choose what actions to take in your business, what products and services to offer and who you want to work with.

Goal setting

We don’t do fluffy goals. Everyone approaches goals differently, so learning to craft meaningful goals that will motivate and inspire you is essential. We’ll help you understand your thought processes. And use this thinking across your business and personal life (because you’re human and not a business robot!). 

Sales and marketing fundamentals

You’re great at your business, but can you sell it?! There’s a difference between sales and marketing. We’ll help you find the right mix for your business. And help you sell with courage, sincerity and confidence. You’ll create a do-able, personalised action plan to create sales in a way that’s spot-on for your business.

Designing your customer journey

Be sure you know what your customers want, why they want it and when they want it. Create a journey for them through your business that gives them exactly what they want. 

12-month and 90-day planning

Planning stops you from wasting time and effort. And brings your work day into focus. We’ll take all the potential of a year and break it up into quarterly focus blocks. And along the way, you’ll learn to stay nimble regarding what might crop up.

Personal development

This is both the best and hardest part of the work that we do. Anyone can learn a skill. Learning to work and grow you, uncover your habits, patterns and thoughts (and being prepared to face them and change what’s been holding you back along with amplifying everything golden within you) is where the magic happens. You’ll be amazed at what you uncover!

Say “yeah, nah” to one-size-fits-all business advice

It’s easy to fall for the quick fixes.

There’s no formula for awesomeness because everyone’s awesome is different.

That’s why coaching with us focuses on clarifying what success looks like to you.

And helps you build your business to make it happen.

Over the past 20 years, we’ve helped hundreds of business owners crawl out from under their businesses, tell it to stop being a dick, and get on with telling it exactly what they want it to do.

And then make it happen.

Not your average business coaching group

Cut through the noise​

There’s no time-wasting. You want support and advice that works.

We help you cut through the noise and see what you need to do differently to create the business you want.

We’re in it together​

By walking in your shoes and your customers' shoes, we help you see what’s going on.

And, together, we’ll get stuck in to get the results you’re looking for.

Keeping it real​

Accountability and focus. That’s what keeps your plans on track.

We’ll help you keep your eyes on the prize when shiny objects come twinkling along, trying to grab your attention away.

So. What do you think?
Are you ready to shake things up?

If your business is running you into the ground rather than giving you wings. Or, the stress and worry are giving you the Sunday 3 pm sense of dread.  If you’re ready to tell your business to stop being a dick and pull its head in. Or, stop it from getting dick status in the first place. 

For only $97 a month (cancel any time). 

Fantastic programme. It has been really helpful for my business. I'm a huge fan of the ongoing meet ups with the group to keep forward momentum. Alana & Robyn really know their stuff and are great at tailoring aspects to each person in the group

Clare B.

How does it all work?

How do the live training sessions work?

The live training sessions are held every Tuesday morning from 10 -11.30 am. The sessions are a mix of training (learning new information), reflection (thinking and answering coaching-style questions about the information) and doing (planning, preparing, creating things), as well as time to ask questions specific to your business about the material and how it applies to you. 

What resources do I get access to?

Our immediate access library includes templates and tools and is being added to all the time. You’ll also find replay access to previous Circle training sessions, so if there’s something you want to get straight into, you can do that without needing to join a live session. 

How do I know what’s coming up so I can plan my work around the sessions I most need?

We have a calendar of upcoming topics within the member’s area and also send you a weekly “what’s going on” email to make planning your time easier. 

How do the deep dive sessions work?

You have access to book a deep dive on any topic with our co-founders at a 20% discount once you’re a member. This makes a 90-minute session $400+ GST. 


What makes The Success Circle different from other business programs or resources?

Where to start? The community is a huge part of it – the feeling of being surrounded by others who understand what you’re going through and the challenges and wins you’re experiencing. Alongside that, our modules are 100% common sense filtered, and you’ll not find much corporate jargon. We’re always tweaking our content and making things as practical, relatable and easy to take action on as possible. 

What happens if I’ve learned enough?

You can cancel your membership at any time, but we’ve seen time and again the power of compounding on your knowledge by revisiting topics with what you NOW know, having gained more experience and wisdom. Plus, things are always changing in business (and in our delivery of the topics), so there’s value to be had from dipping in and out every time you need a booster in a certain area. We imagine that after about 12 months of membership, you’d be feeling confident to get a more specialised business advisor to level a targeted area of your business up OR level up to the Boss membership as you grow your team. 

This sounds too cheap to have an impact?

You’d think so based on most business coaching programmes, we agree. But our drive to bring relatable business training to NZ means we’ve designed this to suit all budgets, and we don’t skimp on the goods – you get the same insight, enthusiasm and quality from a session that you’d find in a one-on-one, just in a group setting. 

If I don’t play nicely with others, should I still join?

Nope. Go find another place to hang out, this isn’t going to light you up. The power of collaboration and camaraderie are a cornerstone to this membership, and we want to keep that vibe – so if you’re a lone wolf type, sorry, but we wish you well somewhere else. Bearing in mind, though, this isn’t like those weird group assignments at uni. This is a place where everyone shows up, does great work, and sets out to change the world in their unique ways. It’s a ton of fun! 

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